For the seventh time ViVO Contemporary artists are collaborating with an award winning group of New Mexico poets giving poetic voice to artistic image in the new show, Giving Voice To Image 7. This creative alliance draws its inspiration from the ancient Roman poet Horace’s adage, “A picture is a poem without words.” All too often, artistic disciplines remain separate. Giving Voice To Image 7 is a unique and exciting celebration of the beauty of words and images which explores the ways in which each can intensify the power of the other.

Gallery artists and local poets worked together over the past few months to create new works inspired by each other’s conceptual visions. Emails flew back and forth as the creative process unfolded. Poets visited ViVO Contemporary as well as the artists’ individual studios to view the artists’ work, discuss themes, and cultivate ideas. The result of this shared effort is an exciting show of new poetry and works of art inspired by and amplified through collaboration.